As a part of his ongoing otoacoustic practice* and projects sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard recorded Katinka’s ear in search of spontaneous emissions and found one, ringing with 1957 Hz in her left ear.
Katinka decided to make a ritual composition out of it. So for a period of two weeks she once a day recorded herself tuning and singing along to her unique emission, pitching one octave down from 1957Hz to 979Hz in order to be able to sing it. When performed live, Katinka sings on top of the prerecorded takes that fade in after a few minutes, creating an intense, textual and microtonal voice scape.
*These tones, called spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (or SOAE), are produced – without external stimulation – in people’s ears. Each emitting ear produces something akin to an acoustic fingerprint. Whereas the combinations of tones emitted from one ear can be dissonant, microtonal and complex, tones emitted from another ear can be harmonious and perceived as ‘in tune’.
Eustachia for one voice has been performed at
Fridman Gallery, New York City, USA